Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Losing Weight Dilemma

I have no idea why I am really having a hard time loosing weight. I tried to slash rice in my diet and it worked but I couldn't have rice in my meal. I tried to go to the gym and Yep it did helped a lot in losing weight. But they don't last!

What to do?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When Sickness gets in the way

Of course everyone gets sick every now and then! Don't worry if you get sick after an intensive workout after or 2 weeks after! Seriously! It's just your body's telling you that it's really getting into your new routine in life!

Don't forget to get all of your vitamins... Get all nutrients you need! They are important! :)

Have a great workout!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seizures -- What about it?

I am no doctor to tell about things in medicine but with enough research I think I gained enough knowledge about Seizures.

According to www.nlm.nih.gov : Seizures are caused by abnormal electrical disturbances in the brain.There are seizures that can be noticed while some you can't.

There are different kinds of Seizures:
  • * Generalized tonic clonic seizure
  • * Partial (focal) seizure
  • * Petit mal (absence) seizure
  • * Epilepsy
  • * Fever (febrile) convulsions
* source from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003200.htm

Here are the symptoms of Seisures:

  • Change in consciousness, so that you can't remember some period of time
  • Change in emotion, like unexplainable fear, panic, joy, or laughter
  • Change in sensation of the skin, usually spreading over the arm, leg, or trunk
  • Changes in vision, including flashing lights, or (rarely) hallucinations (seeing things that aren't there)
  • Loss of muscle control and falling, often very suddenly
  • Muscle movement such as twitching that might spread up or down an arm or leg
  • Muscle tension/tightening that causes twisting of the body, head, arms, or legs
  • Tasting a bitter or metallic flavor

One of the scariest that one can experience from Seizures is the muscle tension/tightening. And the body of would twitch...

So, what to do when you see people having Seizures?
Here are some preventive measures you can do to help the person suffering from it.
These are copied from  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003200.htm I am not a doctor. Please seek professional advice. This is just a blog.

  • Do not attempt to force a hard object (such as a spoon or a tongue depressor) between the teeth. You can cause more damage than you can prevent.
  • Do not try to hold the person down during the seizure.
  • Turn the person to the side if vomiting occurs. Keep the person on his or her side while sleeping after the seizure is over.
  • If the person having a seizure turns blue or stops breathing, try to position their head to prevent their tongue from blocking their airways. Breathing usually starts on its own once the seizure is over.
  • CPR or mouth-to-mouth breathing is rarely needed after seizures and cannot be performed during the seizure.

It's best that you are aware how long the seizure has been. The doctor usually asks how long the seizure has been.
If a family member, a friend, or a neighbor have this, please don't hesitate to help! Know what you can do. Know how you can help! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Arms Workout

Yesterday I went to the gym. I have a gym instructor friend that helps me to work out on some of my problem areas. Well, because I am tight budgeted person, I didn't hire her! :)

Alright, to start off my work out: First, I did a 30 minute Cardio on the Treadmill.

Second, worked my way on the eliptical, then my instructor friend assited me in doing my arms.

Here they are:

I do bicep curls (down to half, then half upwards both in 12 reps. Then I do full bicep curls)
Then Tricep (same as above)
Then a Front curls
Then I don't know the name of this exercise but the position was I am on a squat position then My arms on the side of my chest. I am extending my arms backwards(this is for triceps) for 12 reps too. (Hope you got that)

Then I repeat the entire workout again. Then I finished off with a 3 minute RUN on the treadmill.

That's how my work out goes!

Don't forget to watch out for that bad caloriessss intake!


Isn't frustrating when your pants can't fit you because you gained weight? or someone told you that you're getting fat when you're dying to do your workout all week?

Frustrations! Frustrations! Don't let it get in your way! 

Focus is the answer! Don't lose sight whatever others may tell you or your pants is showing you! :)

Look at the end in mind! :) 110Lbs by the end of this year!